How much German do you know?

Hello! I am a German immigrant, living in Canada since I was about two years old. I had to learn English before I learned any other things at school, but I got there!

Learning a new language is hard, but I think with perfect practice, anyone can be good at anything! Find out if German is the right language for you, by taking this short quiz. But everyone knows that practice makes perfect, so don't expect to be fluent after this quiz!

Created by: AnnieLiss14
  1. What is the correct translation: Ja
  2. What word is I?
  3. What is the correct translation for this sentence? Hallo, wie geht's dir?
  4. How do you say "My name is" is German?
  5. What is the number three in German
  6. What is the correct translation of this word : Baum
  7. How do you say "Welcome" in German?
  8. What word is you?
  9. What is 5-10 in German?
  10. How do you say "German " in German?
  11. What is the correct translation of this word : Wie
  12. What is Germany's capital?

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Quiz topic: How much German do I know?
