How much do you want to split Terri in two?

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Just a social experiment or some other fancy words. I am figuring you out in the simplest way . That is my way. Also need 150 characters here. Almost.

I'm checking out your need for Terri. Maybe I can convince you to cook for her. In the light of the professionalism of this quiz, you will notice Terri and myself(Terri) used in first person and third. No mind. It's strictly for writing purposes and in now way represents mental illness...

Created by: submizzie
  1. Do you want to shampoo Terri's hair and pull it too?
  2. How many fingers do you think may go inside Terri?
  3. Do you enjoy when Terri is snarky?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Have you fantasized about Terri before?
  6. What should Terri's safe word be?
  7. Do you want to talk dirty to Terri?
  8. Terri can be very shy. Wanna help her fix that?
  9. Do you really want to get her a pet pooch??
  10. Will you be totally honest when it's important?

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Quiz topic: How much do I want to split Terri in two?

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