Which Experiments Character are You?

The Experiments is the book that I'm currently writing. It's what you would call a WIP (work in progress) I hope you have fun figuring out who you are in my personal imagination!

Keep in mind, this is my first quiz. I don't fully know all my characters yet, so I might not have done as good as other, more experienced quizzers. Thanks for taking my quiz!

Created by: Irrelevant
  1. What's your opinion on rules?
  2. Okay, how about a scenario? You're in the middle of a battle, and you're surrounded. What do you do?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. Someone just called you weak. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?!
  5. What's your favorite superpower?
  6. What's a friend to you?
  7. Pick a quote. (yeah, I like PJO)
  8. What's your dream job?
  9. Are you sick of this and want to go back to regular life? If so then shame. This took forever.
  10. Okay, last one, books or TV?

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Quiz topic: Which Experiments Character am I?
