How much do you really know about America???

Take this opportunity to see how much you really know about America. Take this quiz. Take this opportunity to see how much you really know about America.

Take this opportunity to see how much you really know about America. Take this quiz. Take this opportunity to see how much you really know about America.

Created by: Lillian Joans
  1. What year was the empire state building built?
  2. When was America founded?
  3. How many people live in America(estimating)?
  4. How many presidents have there been?
  5. Who was the first president?
  6. What sport was invented in America?
  7. Who was America named after?
  8. What famouse drink originated in America?
  9. The civil rights movement happened in which state:
  10. Which one of these is not a state abbreviation:

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Quiz topic: How much do I really know about America???