How Much Do You Procrastinate?

Well, there are many procrastinators in the world, and those of the working force with a home, job, and kids sadly don't know the meaning of procrastination. On the one hand, it's a terrible habit that must be cured so that work can be done. On the other, it is a delicate art that, with time and experience, some have found to be a great delight.

So - are YOU a procrastinator? Some wouldn't be caught dead being called such an abominable thing. Others would consider it a compliment. Find out how close you come to the edge.

Created by: Shohna of WritingPassion
(your link here more info)
  1. You are given the assignment of researching the economics of Chile in South America, with a two-week limit on when it can be turned in. When do you turn in the report?
  2. You have a test on the tenth, and it is the first of the month. When do you start studying?
  3. When do you arrive at a social gathering?
  4. What's your favourite colour?
  5. Your in-laws (if you're not married, pretend) surprise you and tell you they're coming over this afternoon! What happens?
  6. Your job starts at 7:00 am. Assuming you live about ten minutes from your job, when do you wake up?
  7. How many times a month do you wash your car?
  8. Are you procrastinating right now?
  9. So it's only a few days before Christmas. When does the Christmas shopping get done?
  10. How much time do you procrastinate a day?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Procrastinate?