How much do you love Peaches?

People don't understand the total amazing or "swellar" ness of PEACHES! so do this quiz and find out how much of a swellar peach fan you are! test your strength and knowledge and just true amazing ness in this quiz and you can become an official peach lover

do this quiz....and you will become a princess!!!! (not really) you actually see how peachy you are!try to win the contest and try to be the best by testing yourself in this great quiz...thank you and please subscribe!!!

Created by: Melissa
  1. What flavor or gum do you prefer?
  2. What do you wear on your lips honey cause you look FABULOUS!
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What is your favorite movie?
  5. When your bored....what do you do?
  6. What do you do at school?
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. how gangster are you?
  9. What is your favorite hand signal thingy ma bob?
  10. what do you eat?
  11. Why do you like peaches?

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Quiz topic: How much do I love Peaches?