Which Mario Female Are You?

Just like the title says, this is a quiz to find out which Mario female characer you are. The quiz will begin in just a moment. On your mark, get ready, press start!

Peach, Peach, Princess Peach, Livin' large on the beach Peach, Peach, Princess Peach, Livin' large, liking it hard, at the beach, that's Peach I'm going peaches, I'm going peaches.

Created by: grilled cheese of THE HOME OF UNDER THE TABLE WITH TINA
(your link here more info)
  1. Which color speaks to you the most?
  2. What's your style?
  3. How do you wear your hair?
  4. Jewelry anyone?
  5. What is a trait of yours?
  6. How you describe your personality?
  7. What is your usual makeup look?
  8. Favorite place out of these?
  9. Who is your favorite out of the four girls?
  10. What is your overall awareness?

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Quiz topic: Which Mario Female am I?
