How much do you love cars?

Do you want to know if you are a true fan of cars? Do you want to know if you love them too much or if you hate them too much? Or if you're in between and are a normal person?

Well, doing these simple 10 questions, you can find out your love for cars. Keep this in mind that this is my first quiz, the end result may not be accurate.

Created by: Quiz guy
  1. Do you like cars?
  2. Do you know a lot of car facts?
  3. When you pass by an expensive car dealership how do you react
  4. Do you talk about cars around your friends a lot?
  5. Do you have a favourite car brand
  6. What is better: Cars or Trains
  7. Do people in your school/job know you love cars?
  8. Do you like electric or oil cars better?
  9. Do you annoy friends with car facts?
  10. Have your friends ever said that your girlfriend/boyfriend will be a car

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Quiz topic: How much do I love cars?
