How much do you like gymnastics?

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Hi, this quiz will tell you about how much you like gymnastics and it will be very true after you answered if you answered it carefully, slowly, and patiently.

You should be very excited to answer this and super curious about your results of this quiz aren’t ya?! Well, you should be! It's okay if the results didn’t come the same as how you thought, but trust me, it’s very true if you’re really thinking carefullly.

Created by: Selina Guo
  1. Who is your favorite gymnast?
  2. What would ya prefer to do in your free time?
  3. Would you prefer in below?
  4. What would you prefer?
  5. Gymnastics is ………
  6. If I can’t really do gymnastics, I'll ………
  7. If I see a opened field, I 'll ………
  8. Did you like the quiz?
  9. What is your dream job?
  10. How long to you train in gymnastics in average daily?
  11. Gymnastics is ………

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Quiz topic: How much do I like gymnastics?
