Favorite sport and players

Hello, would you mind sharing your favorite sports and the players you like the most? this questionnaire? We are excited to know it, I hope you like it and you can entertain yourself.

We want to know the sport you like and the players you prefer the most and admire a lot. Your answers will help us get to know you. Have fun answering the questionnaire.

Created by: Hayam
  1. What is your favorite sport?
  2. Which team are you?
  3. Who is your favorite player?
  4. What is the best stadium you have visited?
  5. What is your favorite sports championship in the whole world?
  6. . What water sport do you prefer to practice in the summer?
  7. Which winter sport do you prefer?
  8. What extreme sport would you like to try one day?
  9. What is your favorite combat sport?
  10. Which famous athlete inspires you the most in the world of sports?

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