How Much Do You Like Football?

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There are football legends out there but there are also football beginners out there. But to me you are all stars if you are good at football or not if you don't know I suggest doing this quiz.

How well do you know football? Do you know it well? Do you not do you like football, do you not are you good at football? Are you not do you play for a team do you not?

Created by: Holly Claydon
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  2. Who is man citys goalkeeper?
  3. What team does Mario balotelli play for?
  4. What is your favorate football team?
  5. What is the rules of football?
  6. Is barcelona fc or real madrid better?
  7. What position does neymar play?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Who is the best player out of thease 6 people?
  10. Do you like football?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Like Football? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soccer Quiz category.