How much do you like feet?

Everyone has different likes. This makes each of us who we are. What you like is something you should enjoy and be proud of. The question is do you like feet?

Feet are an amazing part of body. Where are you on the scale. This quiz will help you explore who you are and give you insight to a part of the part of the body you may or may not like. Are feet for you?

Created by: Journey
  1. Picture someone you like. They ask you to kiss their feet. How do you respond?
  2. Your significant other asks you to smell their feet and you comply. How long do you smell them for?
  3. If your face was someone's footstool for the next 3 hours you would
  4. You picture yourself smelling or licking feet how often?
  5. If someone was standing on you, you would...
  6. True or false. The foot is your favorite part of the body?
  7. If you took off your shoes and smelled them you would
  8. If you spent a whole day smelling someone's feet you would be
  9. If someone you liked was walking barefoot outside and told you to lick their feet you...
  10. If someone asked to smell your feet you would...
  11. People who like feet
  12. When you someone you are attracted to you desire most to

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Quiz topic: How much do I like feet?

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