Are you a great admiral?

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Do you like warships, love the sea, want to serve your country? then lets see how suitable you would be commanding a feet of capital-ships in the face of air craft and shells.

Then come and find out. Whether you are a warmongering seadog, a noble Captain or just along for the ride, step aboard the flagship and see whether you could run the feet.

Created by: Rear Admiral Wheldon
  1. What part of the grand fleet fired the first shots at Jutland?
  2. What thickness would your battel cruisers main armour belt be?
  3. How fast are your destroyers?
  4. You have the choice, do you sign the Washington navel treaty?
  5. What is your battle ships main armament?
  6. What are are your turrets?
  7. What is your turret plan?
  8. Pick a second-in-command how do you chose?
  9. What torpedo do you use?
  10. What are your boilers?(you have access to lots of the best oil and coal)
  11. What AA do you use?
  12. How do you fight your battles against other battle ships ?
  13. What ship makes up the largest element of your fleet?
  14. you are are Jutland what range finder do youse?
  15. At the battle of the Philippine sea how do you side with?
  16. What is your light curser?
  17. How do you want to be remembered?
  18. Choose a flag ship.
  19. Chose a commerce raider.

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Quiz topic: Am I a great admiral?
