How much do you know yourself?

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This quiz is to know yourself like e.g what dou you like to eat,drink what's your favorite thing to do please attempt the quiz I beg you guyssssssssss

where do you wanna spend your vacations etc. What's your plan about vacations what kind of hairs do you like what's your favourite shop.pleaseeeeeeeee

Created by: Ruhma
  1. what's your favorite game?
  2. What's your favorite drink?
  3. What's your favorite fast food ?
  4. What's your favorite store?
  5. What's your plan for vacations ?
  6. What's your favorite place?
  7. What's your type?
  8. What's your height ?
  9. What's your weight?
  10. What is your favorite weather?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know myself?
