How much do you know your "friends"

I know a lot of people. A lot of people know me, but how well? This quiz will gage that. It will ask some basic questions about me and rate your answers to give you a final answer of how well you know me.

Scores range from "Aquaintance" to "One of My Best Friends." See how well you know me, and have fun trying. I hope these questions aren't too easy or too hard!

Created by: Kay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my name?
  2. What is my middle name?
  3. What is my favorite kind of music?
  4. Beside German Shepherds, what is my favorite kind of dog?
  5. In my opinion, who is the cutest of the four Hollywood actors?
  6. Which store do I dislike out of the following?
  7. I have more ______ than any other of the choices?
  8. I generally weigh between __ and __ lbs?
  9. I used to hate _______ but now I love it?
  10. Who is my favorite imaginary friend?
  11. What character flaw do I detest?
  12. Favorite Sport?
  13. What's my favorite pass time?
  14. The main colors on my wall are_____ and _____?
  15. Longest record I have of doing something everyday?
  16. Out of the four which is my least favorite?
  17. Favorite author?
  18. Most money I've had at once

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Quiz topic: How much do I know my "friends"