friends friday quiz

this is a quiz on the friend's characters with similar feelings, favorites, desires, hobbies and experiences. gender plays a part too unlike the friends quiz on

friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays friends fridays

Created by: britt
  1. if your life was different would you...
  2. in an uncomfortable situation you would...
  3. out of the friends characters, which one are you most attracted to?
  4. in your childhood you were/had...
  5. you favorite thing to do is...
  6. what seems more likely for you
  7. on thanksgiving you
  8. the most important thing to you is
  9. your favorite class in school was/is
  10. your favorite animal is

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