How much do you know Warrior Cats?

Hello! How are you? Hope your good! Anyways, have you read to The Broken Code? If you haven't, it has major spoilers! Go read it if you haven't! They're good.

What is Warrior Cats? Warrior Cats are a bunch of books made by a team of authors and editors that go by Erin Hunter. It starts off with a KittyPet named.. That's a question.. and he goes off to the forest.

Created by: Lanni
  1. Let's start simple. How many Clans are there?
  2. What was FireStar's KittyPet name?
  3. What Clan-Name isn't Canon?
  4. What was the first TigerStar's warrior name?
  5. What was BlueStar's warrior name?
  6. Who seemed to be immortal?
  7. Who was in the Dark Forest?
  8. Who is the second TigerStar's son, that is a medicine cat?
  9. Who was the imposter?
  10. Who are the three the prophecy "There will be three. Kin or your kin, who holds the power of the stars within they're paws" refers to?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Warrior Cats?
