Which of Firestars kin are you most like?

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This is a quiz that tests which of Firestar’s kin you are most like. I could only pick 10, so I picked my favorites. I won’t spoil which ones I chose, I want you to be surprised!

I love Warrior cats and have read every book at least twice. There are some spoilers - so if you haven’t read up to at least Squirrelflight’s Hope (I think) then don’t take the quiz, unless you’re okay with spoilers.

Created by: Artemisfierce7
  1. Gender?
  2. What color pelt would you prefer?
  3. What would your friends describe you as?
  4. What color are your eyes?
  5. What’s your worst trait?
  6. Which job would you want/already have?
  7. What’s your favorite color?
  8. Would you ever kill someone?
  9. Have you ever been jealous of someone?
  10. What weather do you like best?
  11. Which role would you like in your Clan?
  12. How do you feel most of the time?
  13. You are ThunderClan’s medicine cat, and you’re gathering herbs by the border, when you see a sneaky ShadowClan warrior crossing the border! What do you do?
  14. You’re a ThunderClan warrior, and there is a RiverClan kit on your territory. What do you do?
  15. Your Clan is starving, and you’re chasing a fat squirrel. It suddenly gets to the territory boundary. You have to make a quick decision before the squirrel disappears. What do you do?
  16. Who do you miss the most?
  17. Does StarClan exist?
  18. Which cat do you WANT to be?
  19. Favorite animal? (Or whichever one is better)
  20. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of Firestars kin am I most like?
