How much do you know the pals?

Hello! In this Quiz you’ll be telling me how much you know about the pals! If you know a lot you are a OG fan. If you just started watching them it’s ok.

And I hope you like this quiz. Keep watching the pals and learn more things about them! Subscribe to them they’re awesome and all you OG fans!!!!

Created by: Alanah
  1. Who started the pals?
  2. What were the pals before they became "The Pals"?
  3. What was the pals channel in the beginning?
  4. Whos in the pals?
  5. Who were in the pals first?
  6. How many vids do the pals have?
  7. How many subs do The Pals have?
  8. Who has more subs in the pals?
  9. Who’s most popular in the pals?
  10. Are the pals together in most vids?
  11. How many people are in the pals?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the pals?
