How well do you know the pals

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this quiz is to see how well you know the pals they are awesome you should definitely check out they youtube chanel at the pals and they merch also don't forget to subcribe to them

consider watching the pals they are awsome!!! each of the five members have they on youtube chanel check it out in your test results and trust me you will be amaze!!!

Created by: Christina Ali
  1. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!1. which member has the most subscribers.
  2. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!2. What color is Corl's eyes
  3. 3. which member swears
  4. 4. which members created a Roblox game together?
  5. 5. Which pal plays Minecraft most?
  6. 6. who is Alex best friend?
  7. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!7. Do you have a crush on any member of the pals
  8. 8. Did you subscribe to the pals?
  9. 9. why are you in this quiz?
  10. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!10. what is Sketch real name?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the pals
