How much do you know the game prodigy?

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Hey there!Do you know prodigy a lot?There could be many answers.If you want to know,take my quiz to find our how much you know this fantastic game I like.

If you don't like your results,you are welcomed to take my quiz again whenever you want to.You could take my other quizzes made by me.Also,please don't hate.I worked very hard on this quiz and good bye!

Created by: Unicorn
  1. What's the highest level you can get?
  2. Do you have to go to the dark tower?
  3. (Easy)Can you get membership for free?
  4. What's the highest amount of friends can you get?
  5. How many wheels are in prodigy?
  6. Is prodigy a math game?
  7. How many places are there in prodigy?
  8. Did prodigy change a lot?
  9. Do you like prodigy?(pick YES)
  10. Do yo think I like prodigy?
  11. Bye!(pick the first one)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the game prodigy?
