How much do you know the Five Night At Freddys (FNAF) lore?

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Hey I decided to make a quiz because I’m bored so I hope you enjoy this and find this fun. I don’t know what to say but I have to type a certain amount of words for this.

Can you believe I drew the picture for the quiz? I referenced it off of another one I saw. I’m not a really good artist but my best friend could vouch for me.

Created by: ThatOneGirl
  1. Who is the main antagonist in the Five Night’s at Freddy’s franchise?
  2. Who worked with the main antagonist to create the Freddy’s Pizzerias?
  3. Why did the main antagonist go “rouge”? (I honestly don’t know another way to put it lmao)
  4. What did the main antagonist do when he went “rouge”?
  5. What is the main antagonist’s wife’s name?
  6. How did the main antagonists youngest die?
  7. How did the middle child die?
  8. How did the oldest die?
  9. How did the wife die?
  10. Did the main antagonist die, and if so, how?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the Five Night At Freddys (FNAF) lore?
