Are you a good person?

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This is my first quiz ever!!! I thought it'd be cool if I created one too, this is kinda just a simple quiz. I'm bored as heckkk, so I decided to make this

Don't take this too seriously and I hope you have a great day/night!!!! I'm just a random Instagram artist that wanted to create a quiz out of boredom, sorry if this is long I have to fill out the required amount of wordz ;-;

Created by: Katie
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite hobby?
  3. Are you social?
  4. What do you identify as?
  5. What's your sexuality?
  6. What activity would you prefer out of these?
  7. Do you think you're mature?
  8. Least favorite school subject
  9. What's your favorite season?
  10. Are you religious?
  11. Do you like school/work?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good person?

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