How Much do you know Skeppy? (DSMP)

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umm hi i was told to write 150 letters so don't mind what I'm about to do....SKEPSKEPSKEPSKEqEPSKEPSKEPSKEPSePSKEPSKEPpySKqpySKEPpyeySKEPpySKEPpySKqySKEPpySKEPAhmedWhitlockSKq

hi!!!!!!!!!!!14isthe best number to exist like my bad that I'm wasting your time I don't want to write this long but I have to.........SKEPpySKEPpySKEPpySKEPpySKEPpy

Created by: DiamondSky
  1. what is his favorite color
  2. which Minecraft server would he play on more
  3. who is his boyfriend (like actually)
  4. his b-day
  5. his BSF (best friend)
  6. what is his fear?
  7. sibilings?
  8. number of pets he has?
  9. were did skeppy live in the dsmp
  10. who is Skeppy's baby in the QSMP

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Quiz topic: How Much do I know Skeppy? (DSMP)
