How Much Do You Know One Direction???

this is a one direction quiz to see if your a real directioner if you get over 90% you are a true directioner but lower and it might be a problem you have to fix!!!

are YOU A DIRECTIONER DO YOU HAVE THE 1D FACTS mayb e you dont why dont you see how good you really are... are you a true directioner or are you a beginner directioner?

Created by: magicblaze
  1. What place did One Direction come in for the x factor?
  2. who is the oldest in 1D?
  3. What is Harrys full name?
  4. who came up with the name one direction?
  5. what two chocolate bars does harry keep in his pocket?
  6. what date did one direction single what makes you beautiful come out?
  7. which two members of 1D can play the guitar?
  8. when is louis birthday?
  9. how is zayns real name spelled?
  10. what song did harry sing for his first audition to the x factor?

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