How much do you know Garfield quiz!

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Whatever you do, DO NOT cheat and google the answers. Then, there would be no pint of this quiz. But i do hope that you have a fun time taking this quiz and you have a GREAT time in the proccess!

If you wanted to know how much you know about Garfield, then this is the quiz for you! Feel free to share this quiz with your friends and family. Also, don't forget to check out our other quizzes on!

Created by: Renaye Alison
  1. Who is his owner?
  2. What color is Garfield? (NO GOOGLING)
  3. What is the name of the dog that Garfield likes to boss around?
  4. Who is the girl cat who Garfield likes?
  5. What is Garfield's favorite food?
  6. Who is the author of all the Garfield books?
  7. What gender is Nermal?
  8. Who owned Odie before Jon did?
  9. What is Liz's job?
  10. What is Pooky?
  11. What is the name of the girl that Jon has many crushes on?
  12. What color is Nermal?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Garfield quiz!
