how much do you know disney's tangled

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it is a quiz to see whether you are a true tangled fan and if you would ace a quiz about the way you think about repunzel love the way you all look today aswell

now we all know the story of repunzel do we want to see how much you know the story in the Disney's tangled film with our famous character repunzel and mother gothel

Created by: alyssa :)
  1. who stole repunzel out of her castle
  2. what did mother gothel do when she found out that repunzel has gone to see the lattens
  3. what did repunzel sing first in the movie
  4. what was flyn riders real name
  5. how did the fight between repunzel and mother gothel get in a fight at the end of the film
  6. what was the fight about at the end of the movie between repunzel snd mother gothel
  7. finish the line: I've got A PERSON in my CLOSET, ...........
  8. ....and the thing is I need you not to get him arrested, just for 24 hrs and .........
  9. flower gleam and glow....
  10. ugh..i want to see...

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Quiz topic: How much do I know disney's tangled
