How much do you know austin mahone?

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There are a lot of mahomie out there today and you could be one of them! Mahomies are special to austin and to us mahomies as well.... I hope you are a true mahomie like the rest of us!

Are YOU a mahomie? Do you have the knowledge about austin mahone? Like his,best friend ? Where he was born? And his favorite food? We'll take this quiz and you'll find out if your a mahomie or not!

Created by: Anna
  1. When was Austin born
  2. How did austin mahone get discoverd?
  3. What was his Shetland sheep dog name?
  4. What is his best friends name?
  5. Is austin mahone a virgin
  6. What is Austin's favorite food
  7. What are his fans called?
  8. Where was austin born
  9. What are the fans " mahomies" motto
  10. If you could choose who he marries who would you pick

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Quiz topic: How much do I know austin mahone?