Witch love part 3

Recap: So you are gettimg ready to walk out the door when you notice that there is a key and it looks pretty so you put it on. You go to school with your best friend Angel. When lunch time comes around 4 hot guys ask to sit with you, Austin, Jackson, Cameron, and Taylor. Then you have your next period with Austin. Some of the chemicals spill and set the table on fire. Austins hand goes through the fire and he does not even flinch. Also you think about putting out the fire and it happens.
You get a note from a dove saying to meet at the library from Austin, Jackson, Cameron, and Taylor. You get there and a bright light scares you but then you realize it is the guys. You get in the back of the truck and when you get there the outside looks super small but it is actually really big. You sleep and in the morning you are about to have a meeting
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