How Much Do You Know About Wolves?

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Hey guys pls try it. I hope you like it. And know cussing in the chat! Also pls tell me other good quiz ideas in the chat. Hope you guys have a nice day.

Also I’m sorry for any miss spelling. One more thing if you say anything inappropriate in the chat I will report you. Do not say anything political or rasis.

Created by: Luna the wolf
  1. How many wolves are in an average pack?
  2. Why do wolves howl?
  3. Do wolves eat humans
  4. Who is aloud to mate in a wolf pack
  5. What is the correct order of wolf pack ranks
  6. What color can’t be the color of wolves eyes when they grow up?
  7. What color it the color of pups eyes
  8. What gender is the leader of the pack
  9. What is the wolves ranking on the strongest dogs
  10. Can wolves see in the dark

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Wolves?
