How much do you know about wildlife around the globe?

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Are you a wildlife expert? come find out in this test, i'll give you questions to answer that are easier for some and harder for some. you don't have to ace it though, these results are for you and you only unless you want to share them! :)

Although some of the questions are "gag" answers, the test is somewhat difficult but please try not to use the internet to find the answers, test yourself!

Created by: Stud_Muffin
  1. How many leaves does poison ivy have?
  2. how tall is the tallest tree in the world?
  3. What gets rid of skunk odor if you get sprayed?
  4. What do you do if you encounter a bear in the woods?
  5. Are "puff-ball" mushrooms safe to eat?
  6. What kind of tree species stays green all year round?
  7. what color should you wear when you go hunting (for safety)?
  8. Is there WiFi in the middle of the woods?
  9. how many types of animals are there in the whole world?
  10. Should you drink river water when hiking in the woods?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about wildlife around the globe?
