How much do you know about Some assembly required re

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if your a some assembly required fan this is the quiz for you. find out your score at the end and ,most of all, have fun!!! i you enjoyed the show as much as i did you'll wanna take this quiz.

i hope you'll enjoy this quiz as much as i enjoyed making it. ( which is a lot!) now i don't know why you bothered to read this bit its very boring! bye bye

Created by: Scarlett
  1. Did the producers of the show use a real roller coaster?
  2. who sings the theme song?
  3. is the laughing and awing in the background pre-recorded
  4. what is knox's longer name(HINT: not the actor)
  5. is Kolton Stewart rich?
  6. what other movie does Ellie Harvey( Candace wheeler) feature in?
  7. Mrs bubkes is not actually fat what does she use?
  8. what did they get wrong when designing the OLD Angie doll
  9. in the episode Ants in your pants what does Bowie have through his head?
  10. this is the last question how do you feel?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Some assembly required re
