How Much Do You Know About Pandas?

have any of you ever rode a unicorn, or a griffin? I'm really trying to pass this thing for to create my quiz on this stupid thing. for some reason it wont let me pass.

are you a genius. do you have the brainpower to qualify for a prestigious title? until now you can only wonder. have any of you ever rode a unicorn? I'm trying to make up some topics to pass this thing to make a quiz. its harder than it seems.

Created by: DeadlyFeathers
  1. There are about 1,000 pandas found in the wild.
  2. 99 percent of the pandas diet consists of bamboo
  3. pandas can poo up to 10 times a day.
  4. the life span of a panda is approximately 20 years.
  5. The west first learned of pandas in 1792
  6. the panda spends 55 percent of its life eating bamboo.
  7. pandas have lived on earth for 1 million years.
  8. a group of pandas are called an 'embarrassment'.
  9. in ancient times, indians were afraid of pandas.
  10. pandas have one of the highest bite forces of any carnivore.

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Pandas?