Could you pass the 5th grade (in canada)?

Could you pass Grade Five? Do you have the brainpower to be an elementry student? Would every teacher hate you? Before you could only pull out your old Grade Five Report Card and wonder if you still knew that stuff.

Are you in grade five, or going into grade five? Neither of these and just taking a random quiz? Wonder if you'll be able to pass? This quiz may help you get an idea of what you'll be doing this year and if you'll understand it!

Created by: funky-sock-wearer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the four main types of bridges?
  2. 90/200 is equal to what in decimals?
  3. What are the three primary colours of light (easy I know)?
  4. What are the three secondary colours of light?
  5. What is "money" in French?
  6. Translate "ni un emprunteur ou un prĂ­ÂȘteur se"
  7. what is 24x7?
  8. Where did the arch (bridge) originate?
  9. In which country did Canadians (British) burn down the main parliamentary building during the war of 1812?
  10. Who wrote 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'?
  11. Which side of the Brain is dominant in all human beings? NOT THE SAME AS BRAIN HEMISPHERE!
  12. What is the most common bridge-building material?
  13. BONUS QUESTION!!! What is cuprous oxide?
  14. What particles are constantly radiating from the center of the solar system?
  15. What/Who/When is Ecsher?
  16. 1/4___25/100? 2/5___ 30/100?

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