How much do you know about Myanmar?

Do you know general Aung San? Or Daw Aung San Hsu Kyi? Well, they are the most well-known people of Myanmar. Myanmar's official name is the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and is also known as the golden land for a reason. Do you know why?

Myanmar is not popular. But I'm sure most of you will know what's Myanmar? Where's Myanmar? How's Myanmar? So how much do you know about Myanmar? You can test your knowledge of Myanmar here!!!

Created by: Chan Chan
  1. Where is Myanmar ?
  2. What is Myanmar well know for?
  3. How many alphabets are there in Myanmar language?
  4. What do most Myanmar people eat?
  5. Which religion do most Myanmar people believe in?
  6. What is Thanakha?
  7. Other name of Myanmar?
  8. Myanmar's capital city!
  9. Myanmar's currency unit!
  10. Myanmar's independence day!?
  11. Are Myanmar girls open about sexuality?
  12. The last one! I warmly invite you to visit Myanmar. Will you come if you get a chance?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Myanmar?
