How Much do you Know About Murder Drones? (Updated!)

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Hey there, and this is the Murder Drones quiz! Test your knowledge with this quiz. If you've seen the series, then this'll be easy for you. Good luck!

If you like this quiz, then check out my personality quiz about which TADC character you are at: [no urls] Murder Drones created by Liam Vickers, and animated by Glitch Productions.

  1. Who is the protagonist of the series?
  2. What is the company that made the drones?
  3. Who does Uzi team up with?
  4. What is the name of the final episode?
  5. Who is the main antagonist of the series?
  6. True or False: Tessa is Cyn.
  7. True or False: Uzi has the Absolute Solver.
  8. Which episode does Uzi get taken over for a while?
  9. True or False: N has canonically appeared in SMG4.
  10. What episode do we first physically see Cyn?
  11. Whose heart do we see in Mass Destruction?
  12. What is the actual name of the Murder Drones species?
  13. How do Murder Drones heal themselves?
  14. What does the Murder Drones's saliva do?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Murder Drones? (Updated!)
