How much do you know about me?

You look smart but do you know lots about me? I bet you can't get 100% on MY quiz! it's the toughest most hardest quiz you will ever see ever! Not even I can get 100%!

Hmmm hmmm hmmm, i like buttons, do you like buttons? Buttons buttons, how i love my buttons... grrrrrrrrrrr i can't think of anything to say and i'll talk about the 150 charater requirement if i want to! you can't stop me stupid computer man!

Created by: Eloise
  1. What is my fave colour?
  2. What is my fave piece of clothing?
  3. What are my electives this year?
  4. How many siblings do I have?
  5. Whats was my fave song in the holidays (easter holidays)?
  6. What instrument do i play?
  7. Whats my nick name?
  8. what really pisses me off?
  9. out of the following what pet do i have?
  10. Whats my fave flower?
  11. What is my "lucky" number?
  12. What is my fave subject?
  13. whats my fave fruit?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about me?