Dogs: Canaan Dog

There are many smart DogWizzes, but few true DogWizzes. DogWiz is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a DogWiz?? A dogwiz is someone who is able to answer even the toughest of questions on dogs, of course!!!

Are YOU a DogWiz?? Are you able to answer even the toughest questions on dogs? Finally, this quiz has become available to let you be able to find out!

Created by: johnson
  1. This breed used to be employed by the...
  2. Fill In The Blank: Originally a _______, or scavenger, the Canaan Dog has existed in the Middle East for centuries.
  3. The canaan dog used to be employed by the ________ as both a herder and guard dog in the _______ desert.
  4. Today's breed was developed in the ____.
  5. During World War ___ this breed was trained for mine detection.
  6. True/False: This breed has been used for the blind
  7. True/False: Another name for this breed is Kelef Kn'aani
  8. True/False: This breed hails from Afghanistan.
  9. Date of Origin:
  10. True False: This breed has become increasingly popular.

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