How Much Do You Know About Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 5?

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Welcome to; 'How Much Do You Know About Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 5?' Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a manga written by Hirohiko Araki, and an anime adapted by David Productions! Please Enjoy!

Warning, there are major spoilers for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo! Please do not take this test if you do not want to be spoiled! This test contains Multiple Choice, True or False, and 'Name all the...'! There are a few difficult questions, so watch out!

Created by: ragingpubiclice
  1. What are part five's two names?
  2. Who is the main protagonist of part 5?
  3. What important character does Giorno meet in the first episode of part 5?
  4. What is the name of the gang that Giorno Giovanna joins?
  5. How many members are on Giorno's team? (including Giorno)
  6. Who are the minor villains that the team goes against? (name them in order of appearance.)
  7. How does Giorno defeat Melone?
  8. Name the stand calls
  9. What are the bosses true name(s)?
  10. What is King Crimson's ability?
  11. Who are the reoccurring characters from the other different parts?
  12. Who is Trish Una?
  13. What number does Guido Mista fear?
  14. Now, getting harder, what is the name of the cafe that Bucciarati's team first makes an appearance at?
  15. What is the name of the Capo that handed Trish over to Bucciarati?
  16. What is the name of Mista's stand? (Un-localized)
  17. Which main characters die?
  18. True or False, in 'My Name Is Doppio, part 2', there is panel that mentions Risotto Nero commited murder at the age of 20
  19. True or False, Ghiaccio means 'ice' in Italian.
  20. True or False, Pannacotta Fugo stayed behind on San Giorgio Maggiore, decided to not betray the boss.
  21. True or False, Buccellati original spelling of 'Bucciarati'.
  22. True or False, Giorno can 'heal' people.
  23. Mario Zucchero's localized stand name is 'Tender Machine'.
  24. Lastly, what is Bruno's Father's name?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 5?
