How Much Do You Know About Heromine Granger?

There are many people who know so much about Harry Potter. Those people have spent a long time learning all about Harry Potter. Don't feel bad if you're not one, being one doesn't make you more special than other people.

But, do YOU know all about Heromine Granger. Do you actually know more about her than you think? Or less than you think? However much you know about her you can test yourself with this accurate quiz!

Created by: Melanie
  1. What is Heromine's middle name?
  2. Who is the person that plays Heromine in the films?
  3. Easy question break: What color is Heromine's hair?
  4. Is Heromine in all the films?
  5. What does Heromine receive in Dumbledore's will in the Deathly Hallows?
  6. What Hogwarts house is Heromine in?
  7. What's Heromine's cat's name?
  8. Does Heromine ever meet up with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in Diagon Alley?
  9. Does Heromine have any brothers or sisters?
  10. Is Heromine one of the main characters?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Heromine Granger?