
this quiz is to see if you are more like draco malfoy,harry potter or Hermione granger.these are all characters from harry potter.are you smart like Hermione brave like harry or mean like malfoy

what do you think?would you be in Gryffindor like harry potter Ronald weasley and Hermione granger.or slytherin like draco malfoy and pasnsey parkenson

Created by: sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you most fear?
  2. what is your favourite animal?
  3. what is your favourite food
  4. what would you most like to study?
  5. left or right?left
  6. heads or tails?
  7. black or white?
  8. Hogwarts is on fire! which historical object to you save first
  9. up or down?
  10. what do you like better?

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