How much do YOU know about Harry Potter? (FIRST BOOK ONLY)

Hi there! Ready for you very first O.W.L. exam? I bet you are! THIS is a special O.W.L. exam, in which you will be tested of your knowledge about the great Wizarding Worlds of Harry Potter, dreamed up by Joann Kathleen Rowling herself. Buckle up your seatbelts, and prepare yourself, 'cause here we go!

Dreamed up by the great, almighty, powerful Goddes of Authors and Writing, Joann Kathleen Rowling herself. Buckle up your seatbelts, and prepare yourself, 'cause here we go!

Created by: Muneeba
  1. Who is Harry Potter?
  2. What scar does he have, and where is it?
  3. Who are Harry's biological parents?
  4. How did Harry find out he was special?
  5. Who is the gamekeeper?
  6. Which vault was the precious object the gamekeeper was sent to retrieve in?
  7. What is the name of the school for children like Harry? (Full name)
  8. Who is the headmaster/headmistress of the school?
  9. Who is the Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress?
  10. How do you get to the school?
  11. Is the school a boarding school or a day school?
  12. Who does Harry share a dorm/homeroom with?
  13. Who are Harry's best friends? (Kinda getting tired of writing their full names so I'm gonna write their first names from here.)
  14. Who does Harry think is the bad guy?
  15. Who actually *is* the bad guy? (my, do I LOVE copy and paste😏)
  16. Who won the House Cup?
  17. *Who helped Harry the most during his year? (REALLY hard)
  18. According to people who knew Harry's parents, what feature from which parent was highlighted the most?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Harry Potter? (FIRST BOOK ONLY)
