How much do YOU know about Harry Potter?

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There are many people out there who like Harry Potter. Out of all those people about half of them are fakes. So how do we tell if these "fakes" are not interested in the wizarding world of Harry Potter?

We test them! This test will give you the answer that every girl & boy ask themselves. Am I a true Potterhead? And there are only 10 easy questions! Who could resist that?

Created by: Jamie
  1. Which house elf did Harry set free?
  2. In book 7,what made Kreacher want to obey Harry?
  3. What creature does Luna Lovegood believe lives in the mistletoe?
  4. In book three,who is Harry's godfather?
  5. In book 4,who were the four champions?
  6. What is Hermiones patronus?
  7. Who were the 4 Marauders?
  8. When buying Crookshanks,what animal did Hermione REALLY go in for?
  9. What position does Harry play in Quidditch?
  10. Who does Luna Lovegood get married to?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Harry Potter?