How Much Do You Know About Hamsters?

I hope you can answer my quiz! It's okay if you score low. Just remember that you are always a genius in your heart and that you can try again or look it up on the internet.

Are YOU a hamster owner? Do you like literally have one as a pet? If so I really hpe you know your stuff!

Created by: Sierra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do hamsters eat meat?
  2. Are hamsters nocternel?
  3. Do hamsters eat peanut Butter?
  4. Where do hamsters com from?
  5. What color are hamsters?
  6. Do hamsters puff up their cheeks?
  7. Are hamsters lil' rodeents!?
  8. Do hamsters work in groups?
  9. Can 2 hamsters live in the same cage?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Hamsters?