Which of my hamsters are you most like?

This quiz is about my two Chinese Dwarf Hamsters, Castor and Pollux. Because I only have two hamsters, obviously there won't be too many choices (only three). But hopefully you'll get an semi-accurate result anyway.

Now prepare to think like a hamster! Note to clear any random confusion: My hamsters used to live in one cage. But after three weeks, I have had to house them separately because they can no longer get along together.

Created by: Irish_Willow

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's start with the basics. Do you even like eating sunflower seeds?
  2. What are your sleep habits like?
  3. Do you like eating strawberries? What about yogurt?
  4. What are your exercise habits like?
  5. Let's say there's a bag of potato chips (or whatever) in your kitchen. You're watching TV in your family room and become hungry. You bring the chips into the family room and eat. After you've finished eating, you will:
  6. Do you prefer circles or squares?
  7. If you're walking along the road, and there's suddenly this big explosion, like a bomb going off, what would you do?
  8. If you're awoken from a deep sleep for some unimportant reason, how would you react?
  9. Do you like to keep things (your room, house, or apartment; yourself; car, motorcycle, or bike; etc.) clean?
  10. How do you react to loud noises?

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Quiz topic: Which of my hamsters am I most like?