How much do you know about gymnastics?

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This quiz will tell you the truth of how much you know about gymnastics at the end in percentage if you really though carefully, patiently, and deeply.

Maybe you thought it won’t be that fun by my paragraph 1. But, just have fun. Having fun in this quiz is the main point. The other point is to let you know how much do know gymnastics. Have fun, see ya!

Created by: Selina Guo
  1. Who is the gymnast?
  2. Who is the gymnast?
  3. Who is the gymnast?
  4. Who is the gymnast?
  5. Which one is one of the events of woman gymnastics?
  6. True or false: The four main events in gymnastics are bar, vault, floor, and beam
  7. Who won the gold medal in the men's all-around gymnastics competition at the 1976 Summer Olympics?
  8. Is cheerleading different from gymnastics?
  9. How long in average does elite gymnasts train per week?
  10. What's the average woman gymnast height?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about gymnastics?
