How much do you know about grimmchild? (me)

This quiz is random and... IF you are lucky... You will score high! Great job quiz taker. You actually cared to take my quiz! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(This quiz is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. I hope you have a super epic time!) -grimmchild :) (I like milk I like chips yay I like HHH)

Created by: no
  1. Am I a boy or a girl?
  2. Do I like splatoon
  3. How about hollow knight?
  4. What's my fave billie eilish songs
  5. My fave dream SMP member?
  6. Do I enjoy parties
  7. What's my MBTI type?
  8. Do I write songs
  9. Is my hair long
  10. Finally, who is my favorite character from The Mitchells vs. the Machines?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about grimmchild? (me)
