My Playlist! XD

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Therefore I am, bad guy, everything i wanted, I love you, Your Power, Ocean Eyes, lovely, When the party's over, No Time To Die, bury a friend. Yeah, those are the best!

Billie Eilish is the best. And this legit my playlist right now. So yeah, these songs are the best. I'm tired, I stayed up too late last night, lol xD

Created by: derecho
  1. Billie Eilish – Therefore I am
  2. Billie Eilish – bad guy
  3. Billie Eilish – everything i wanted
  4. Billie Eilish - I love you
  5. Billie Eilish – Your Power
  6. Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes
  7. Billie Eilish - lovely
  8. Billie Eilish – when the party's over
  9. Billie Eilish – No Time To Die
  10. Billie Eilish – bury a friend

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