How much do you know about family guy?

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You can do this quiz if you belive you can. remember, no total guesses, no being stupid and no giving up! quiters are losers. are you a loser? no, your not!

This quiz is quite easy and should not take too long so if you could just give it a try. are you a family guy know it all? well, take this quiz and you will find out

Created by: brogan
  1. Who does the voice of peter, stewie, brian & quagmire?
  2. Who lives next to the Griffins on the left?
  3. What is the name of the 19th episode of the 10th season?
  4. Name three of Brian Griffin's past girlfriends
  5. What did Peter do at Martha's vineyard?
  6. What is the name of the street the Griffins live on?
  7. How did Brian break up with Carolyn?
  8. What colour T-shirt did Jillian wear?
  9. Finish this quote, " Can we finish this discussion after..."
  10. In the episode " Friends of Peter G" What is the name of the song?
  11. What movie does Brian say he'll rent in " Play it again, Brian"?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about family guy?