How Much do You Know About Carl?

Welcome to this quiz! You must've seen this quiz, and thought it was interesting. Or you just wanna test your Carl knowledge on this quiz. Well, you've come to the right quiz!

If you don't know who he his, Carl is my TADC OC. He's pretty popular on Fandom. Check out his article after this quiz. It's on the "The Amazing Fanon Circus" wiki on Fandom.

Created by: Marioman2011
  1. What is Carl?
  2. True or False: He has a girlfriend.
  3. What is one of his jobs?
  4. What is his personality?
  5. Where does he live?
  6. How many friends does he have?
  7. Who does he identify as in the friend group?
  8. If you answered TADC in Question 5, then which episode does he first appear?
  9. If you answered Inventor in Question 3, how many inventions has he made?
  10. If you answered True in Question 2, then who is his girlfriend?
  11. Who is he best friends with in the circus?
  12. Who is he made by on Fandom?
  13. Which website did he originate from?
  14. Who is he voiced by?
  15. True or False: He has his own little series on Fandom.
  16. If you answered True in the last question, then what is his show's name?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Carl?
